In the News: International Museum Day

The global pandemic has forced museums to close their physical doors and open their digital ones, begging the question: do we still need a physical museum space? As we celebrate International Museum day, we reflect on this question, asserting that the digital, while now an integral expansion of the museum experience, will not replace the physical, instead enhancing it.

Treasures from Home: Animal Art

Have you ever wondered what art hangs in the homes of people who work in an art museum? Wonder no more, because we have the answer! Snoop on the animal print collection of one of our curators in this new post, "Treasures from Home".

Perspectives: Paid versus Unpaid Museum Internships

To understand the arguments for and against providing paid internships, Alyssa Dumire, FWMoA Director of Children’s Education and Katy Thompson, FWMoA Children’s Education Associate have each taken a side (whether or not it represents their personal views or those of our institution) to help unpack the arguments at present.

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